Biermann Lectures: Magnetism and Radiation in Motion, in Disks and Jets
Speaker: Mitchell Begelman
Location: MPA
Room: MPA, new seminar room E.0.11
Date: 2016-07-05 15:30 - 16:30
Summary: All lectures will be given at 15:30 at MPA (Large seminar room E.0.11) and will be preceded by tea, coffee and cookies at 15:15.
Speaker: Mitchell Begelman
Location: MPA
Room: MPA, new seminar room E.0.11
Date: 2016-07-05 15:30 - 16:30
Summary: All lectures will be given at 15:30 at MPA (Large seminar room E.0.11) and will be preceded by tea, coffee and cookies at 15:15.